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Blood drive in honor of sheriff

The American Red Cross and Monroe County will hold the 31st annual community blood drive honoring Sheriff Todd A. Martin on Thursday from 1-6 p.m. at St Luke Catholic Church, 818 W. Main St., Stroudsburg.

To schedule an appointment to donate, call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code StroudsburgCommunity.Receiving blood himself during his ongoing battle with multiple myeloma and plasmacytoma, a form of cancer with no known cure, Martin understands the importance of maintaining an adequate blood supply for patients who need it."Whenever I need blood during my treatment, it is there for me," Martin said. "I want to continue to show my appreciation by encouraging people to give so that other lives might also be saved."This blood drive comes when the Red Cross is facing a critical blood shortage and is issuing an emergency call for donors of all types to give now so patients can continue to receive the lifesaving treatments they need.As a special thank you for coming to donate, presenting donors will receive a $5 gift card from Dunkin' Donuts.