Seeing your world with fresh eyes
By Pattie Mihalik
newsgirl@comcast.netOne of the blogs I follow, "Can you hear the birds sing," talked about trees in a recent blog.In it, he mentioned how much he loves palm trees and how surprised he is to discover how Florida offers many different varieties of palm trees."Before I moved here I thought there was only one kind," he wrote." But there are gazillions of different ones."I can relate to his short thesis on the beauty of palm trees because I love them, too. And I constantly notice how many different palm trees there are around me.Long before I moved to Florida I had the pleasure of attending media day at a newly opened Pocono water park. It had about a dozen rides and attractions but I didn't get to try many because I was too enchanted with the Lazy River, definitely my favorite attraction.We could relax in an inner tube and lazily float down the winding canal edged by beautiful palm trees. I loved the palm trees, even though I realized they were plastic.Here's something I appreciate about that memory. Here in Florida we have dozens of versions of the Lazy River. We can sit back and luxuriate in beautiful, serene surroundings. And yes, there are palm trees. Real ones.When I was enjoying the Lazy River ride in the Poconos, I thought I could stay there forever because there was so much about it that appealed to me. I now feel that way about the beauty that surrounds me whenever I'm in the water.I'm always moved by the peace and beauty whenever I'm gliding in a kayak on an old-Florida palm-tree-lined river route.I'll tell you this. I could do that hundreds of times and never get tired of it. Most of all, I never take that beauty for granted.I often walk through neighborhoods, appreciating the lovely palm trees. In my development alone there are dozens.I once read in a local history book our development once consisted only of swampland. Residents planted all of the many beautiful trees, scrubs and flowers we now have here, the historian claimed.I'm not sure about that. But I am sure that I thrive on the beauty of this sunshine-drenched place.But it isn't just my sunshine state that is filled with beauty. Every single community has its own wonderful sights.When I lived in Pennsylvania I took evening walks through the neighborhoods of our town and nearby towns. I took note of how residents made the town even prettier by adding a canopy of trees or colorful plants.One of my favorite destinations back then was the Delaware River. I loved to kayak down that river, appreciating nature all around me. A favorite spot of mine was a bend in the river right before Shawnee on the Delaware.Every time I passed the wonderful old trees that lined the river I thought how lucky the residents were who could live every day with that vista.The trouble is, when we live someplace for so long, we stop seeing the beauty. Instead, we just see routine.I will never forget the first time I drove from Southwestern Airport in Fort Myers to my new Florida home. It was early evening and the sun was just starting to set. Meanwhile it turned the river below me into a spectacular sea of fire.Just as spectacular to me were the shallow ponds with absolutely stunning shorebirds fishing for their dinner.I kept saying, "Oh God, oh, my God." I wasn't taking the Lord's name in vain. I was just reacting to the stunning beauty of his creation.Eleven years later, I still marvel at the beauty when I pass over the Caloosahatchee and the Peace Rivers. But I no longer gasp out loud because I know what's coming. I see that view several times a week.When you are new to an area or seeing it for the first time, you take in very single visual delight and you appreciate what you see.When I vacation in a new spot, I look especially hard at everything around me. There is nothing like seeing an area through new eyes. Maybe that's why we take so many photos on vacation but we don't take as many pictures of the place where we live.When I moved into the little Florida home I still love, I would often take my camera and sit outside waiting for the wonderful shorebirds that come to the pond in my backyard.Then I would pick my favorite shots of each bird and have them mounted on canvas for my wall. They are still in the place of honor in my living room.But I don't take nearly as many photos of what's in my backyard, even though I still appreciate it. I keep promising myself I will get back to taking more backyard photographs.Looking through the lens of a camera makes us see differently. Any photographer knows that.Just as looking at something for the first time lets us see with fresh eyes.Take time to look around your own world with fresh eyes. There is so much beauty just waiting to be explored and appreciated.Then look at your loved ones with fresh eyes. See if that doesn't ratchet up your appreciation of all you have in your world.Contact Pattie Mihalik at