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McAdoo Police

McAdoo Police released information on several recent incidents that resulted in citations.

On June 4, officers were on patrol when they noticed a vehicle parked inside the cemetery on East Washington Street. Officers investigated and found Tiffany Diaz, 19, of McAdoo, and a strong odor of marijuana. A search of the car found small bits and pieces of marijuana, known as "shake."Diaz was cited for possession of marijuana.Gino Furgio, 18, of McAdoo, was cited for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after a traffic stop on June 14. Furgio was a passenger in the vehicle.When asked if he had any contraband on him, Furgio started taking off his left shoe, which contained a marijuana joint.Three people were cited in connection with a traffic stop on April 22 after police received the results of blood tests taken that day.Francis Mejia, 24, of Beaver Meadows was the driver of a vehicle that was stopped for having heavily tinted windows. He admitted smoking marijuana about 15 minutes earlier and was taken for blood work after failing field sobriety tests.He was cited for driving under the influence of a controlled substance and for the window tint.Two passengers, Jose Mejia, 26, of Hazleton, and Jordany Rodriguez, 21, of Hazleton. were cited for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after they were found to have marijuana in their possession.Nicole Clark, 36, of McAdoo, was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol and a stop sign violation after a traffic stop on May 6. She was given, and failed, field sobriety tests. Blood tests show she had a blood alcohol content of 0.137 percent.