Summit Hill council discusses police, other matters
The Summit Hill Borough Council passed a motion this week to adopt a Taser policy for the Summit Hill police department.
The policy will be in effect to properly train and set guidelines to police officers in the proper use of the Tasers.Council approved the resignation of part-time police officers Matthew Blatt and Anthony Campanell who accepted positions with Schuylkill Township and Lansford respectively, and a motion passed to hire Richard Compton as a part-time police officer.Heather Slater was approved and hired to clean the borough building and police department once every other month at a rate of $150 for the borough side and $100 for the police side.A request to use the recreation center for a profitable Zumba class was tabled until next meeting pending further considerations.The Recreation Commission request to use cameras linked to the borough's surveillance system at the Ginder field was approved pending agreement from the recreation committee to cover the rest of the cost that would not be covered by a grant from the American Legion. A quote was submitted by Computer Pals for a surveillance system.Councilman David Wargo made a motion to pass the purchase of a PZ60 Husqvarna Commercial Zero Turn mower at a cost of $7,999.96 from M&S Hardware in Tamaqua, and the motion carried.Wargo announced that on July 4 the Summit Hill Heritage Center will have its annual reading of historical documents including the Declaration of Independence at the Ludlow Park Gazebo, starting at 11:30 a.m.A motion carried to transfer $83,080.29 from the general fund to the sewer fund, and $28,000 to the appropriate capital improvement fund.The Libertarian Party in Carbon County led by Matt Schutter will be having a festival event at Ludlow Park from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. on July 9 to introduce candidates to residents. A motion carried to allow the event.A motion passed to allow the Summit Hill fire police to assist with traffic for the Veterans Day parade in Nesquehoning on Nov. 5.A motion passed to receive Carbon County Sports Hall of Fame plaques from Summit Hill inductees from the Vermillion Dental office because the office is running out of wall space. The borough will hang the overflow of plaques in areas inside the borough building or recreation center.Borough Secretary Kira Steber said that some barricade parts that were placed on A frames with the Summit Hill Borough name on them that were ready for the Hootenanny event were stolen from Ludlow park on Saturday afternoon, and would like to ask the community to report any information on whoever might have taken them.Council asked the community to report any use of illegal fireworks in town that have been going off late at night.Police Chief Joseph Fittos said that he was investigating such activity and that the police will make arrests or issue citations to the perpetrators if caught.