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Nesquehoning Lions give $12K to borough

Nesquehoning Lions Club, which is closing its doors after 60 years on Friday, is entrusting the borough with $12,000 to maintain the club's World War II monument.

On Wednesday, Helen Applegate, president of the club; and Rita Trucios, secretary of the club, presented borough council with the check. The club is asking that their monument, located in St. Patrick's Cemetery on West Catawissa Street, next to Turkey Hill, be maintained - light bill paid, grass cut, etc. The borough agreed to do this in April.The Nesquehoning Lions Club has been a part of the community for 60 years, helping with a variety of projects to better serve the residents.But as the years went on, the number of members decreased and made it hard for the club to remain viable.Other businessNesquehoning Borough Council voted on or discussed the following items:• Mayor Sam Kitchko reported that for the month of May, police collected $2,781.05; issued 38 citations; responded to 500 incidents; and drove 4,901 miles while on patrol.• Kitchko also said that the Tasers and supporting equipment have been ordered for the police department. The cost is covered through a donation from the Nesquehoning VFW Post 8008.• The Nesquehoning Police Department received three new portable AEDs for their vehicles through a grant.• Council is looking at its options when it comes to a recycling provider. The contract for the current provider, Solomon Container, expires at the end of July, and officials noted that recently when the company comes to pick up recycling, they have been not been cleaning up around the bins.• Council reminds residents to break down cardboard boxes before putting them into recycling bins.• There are openings on the borough recreation commission. Anyone who is interested in serving on the board should send a letter of interest to the borough at 114 W. Catawissa St.• Approved Robert Stempa to fill the vacant seat on the water authority board.• There will be no workshop meeting in July.

Nesquehoning Lions Helen Applegate, president, left; and Rita Trucios, secretary; hold a check for $12,000 that the club presented to Nesquehoning Borough Council on Wednesday. Behind them is council President David Hawk. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS