The cost to eat will not increase in the Tamaqua Area School District next year.
By a 7-0 measure, the school board on Tuesday approved the 2017-18 breakfast and lunch cafeteria prices: elementary, $2.35; secondary, $2.60; adult, $3.75; and breakfast, $1.25.The board also approved:• Establishing the 2017-18 Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion for the 2017-18 fiscal year at $148, a reduction in assessed value of $4,058 for eligible properties per information provided by the county assessment office.• The salary schedules for administration and noncontract positions for the 2017-18 fiscal year.• The resignation of middle school teacher Nancy Hludzik, effective Aug. 7.• The resignation of middle school teacher Kelly McGroarty, effective Aug. 18.• The rescinding of the motion from May 16 of Bill Kimber as middle school special education department chairperson.• Trisha Maksimik as middle school special education department chairperson.• Jennifer Curcio as high school fine and practical arts department chairperson.• Ray Lenhart as a substitute coordinator.• John Potlunas, volunteer band assistant.• Milini Skuba, high school sophomore class adviser.• Heather Bleiler, part-time occupational therapist, contract for the 2017-18 school year.• The rescinding of the motion from May 16 of Megan Frantz as middle school math counts adviser.• Michael Murphy as middle school math counts adviser.• Richard Evans, Logan Miller, Hannah Stott, and Tyler Marian as substitute custodians.• The rescinding of the motions from May 16 of Evans, Miller, Stott and Marian as summer custodians.• Fees for the Pay to Participate, which will be $30 for the first sport, $20 for the second sport, and $10 for the third sport.• The M & S Sign for the Rush field, which is a paid advertisement that will be displayed at the softball field located at the Rush facility.• Authorizing the district's business manager to select the district's insurance package (lowest cost option for current program).• Leader Services, Hazleton, one-year contract from July 1, 2017 to June 20, 2018, to process transactions billed through the Access Program.• The Behavioral Health Associates Contract for the 2017-18 school year.• St. Jerome's student lunch contract at $2.10 per student lunch.• M & T Bank as the district's depository.• Health and Welfare Trust rates for composite, self-pay and COBRA rates, effective July 1.• The election of board member Daniel Schoener as board treasurer for a one-year term, effective July 1.