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Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary meets in June

The regular monthly meeting of the Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary was held on June 11 at the post home.

Senior Vice President Tony DeMarco presided at the session.General Orders 11 were read and filed for action. A thank-you was received from the family of Justine Dunstan. Sixty-eight cards were sent since the last meeting, three online petitions signed, and Memorial Day weekend activities were held, all under veterans and family support.A bloodmobile collection was held at the post home on May 17, and weeds were sprayed at the post home under community activities.The auxiliary, along with the Nesquehoning Historical Society and the local Veterans organizations will be assisting with the Hometown Heroes Banner Program in the community. A design has been selected and applications will soon be available.A donation was approved for the Hauto Fire Company for their continued hospitality over the years following the services at the outlying cemeteries. This year, they also warmly welcomed the members of the Knauf family.The Department Leadership Program will be held in Camp Hill Aug. 11-13.The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Aug. 13, time and place to be announced. This may be changed due to officers just returning from the Leadership Program; changes will be announced when known.