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Your art in the marketplace panel discussion

A panel discussion on how to get your art seen and purchased by potential buyers, "Your Art in the Marketplace," will be held at Northampton Community College-Monroe Campus, Keystone Hall 201, at 6:30 p.m. June 22. Tom Shillea, Art Department chairman, will moderate.

Panelists include:• Santa Bannon, gallerist, art broker/dealer, curator, adviser and collector. Her gallery, SBFA/Santa Bannon Fine A, is located in Bethlehem. Topics she will cover include: who buys art; what and where do collectors buy art; trends in art; the difference between primary and secondary art markets; how to get noticed in the art world; how to market artwork; how to develop appropriate prices; how to fund an art career; getting artwork published; and what do gallerists look for regarding artist representation.• Joni Oye Benintende, associate professor and chair of the Art + Design Department at East Stroudsburg University, will discuss advice given students as they enter the art marketplace including entrepreneurship and the difference between art and design and fine art.• Nezka Pfeifer, curator at the Everhart Museum in Scranton, will discuss what she looks for as she sets up exhibits based upon variables such as exhibition themes and materials. Her experience lends itself to looking at a portfolio and choosing one or two pieces to include in an exhibition or acquiring for the museum's collection. Before the presentation, an artists' reception for the Pocono Art Collage will be held in the Dunning Art Gallery, immediately adjacent to Keystone Hall 201.Both the reception and panel discussion are free and open to the public.For more information, call the Pocono Arts Council at 570-476-4460, email

info@poconoarts.org or visit
