Published June 13. 2017 02:47PM
P.J. Whelihan's Pub & Restaurant at Platz's in Lehighton was the scene of a dinner and meeting of the Jim Thorpe Lions Club on Tuesday evening for the purpose of installing new officers for 2017-2018. The Jim Thorpe Lions Club officers installed on Tuesday evening were, from left: Dr. Clem McGinley, vice president; James Gallagher, secretary; George Hiller, board of directors; Renee Smith, president; installing officer Elizabeth McElwee, past district governor; Sophie McGinley, second vice president and board of directors; Wilfred Gardiner, treasurer; James Trainer, board of directors; Jolene Evans, board of directors; and Sandra Gallagher, membership director. Missing from photo are John Drury Jr., club chaplain; Raymond Brader, tail twister; and William Reabold Jr., Lion Tamer. The Jim Thorpe Lions Club is a community service organization formed in 1948 and was known initially as the Bear Mountain Lions Club which over the years organized many projects involving fundraising, donations of money and physical labor. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO