Published June 09. 2017 03:12PM
An eighth-grade team from Weatherly took first place in the state in the eCybermission STEM Competition sponsored by the U.S. Army's Educational Outreach Program.
The competition is one of several sponsored by the Army, designed to encourage students to discover science, technology, engineering and mathematics through real life applications. The program is administered by the National Science Teachers Association.The eCybermission challenge is open to students in grades six through nine throughout the U.S. Each team determines its own project and submits a "mission folder," official write up, through the project's website. An independent panel of judges then reviews the missions and selects first and second place winners in each state. First place winners are awarded $1,000 U.S. Series EE Savings Bonds, while second place winners receive $500 savings bonds.Weatherly's team included Kelly Royer, Holly Gehman, Alyssa Heister and Ethan Broskoskie, advised by Dr. Katie Leach, Weatherly's classrooms for the future coach and gifted support teacher. The team designed a water bottle with a filter to cleanse mine water and chia seeds (which grow in the dark) in the cap to provide nutrients in the case of a mine collapse.
A team of Weatherly eighth-grade students won first place in the state in an eCybermission competition sponsored by the U.S. Army's Educational Outreach program. Team members, from left, include: Kelly Royer, Holly Gehman, team adviser Dr. Katie Leach, Alyssa Heister and Ethan Broskoskie. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO