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Agency proposes homeless shelter

A local nonprofit is proposing to convert two residences in Lansford into a homeless shelter for women and transitional housing for a formerly homeless family.

Family Promise of Carbon County, whose goal is addressing homelessness right here in our area, has proposed the shelter and temporary housing at a property they own on East Ridge Street in Lansford.However they need approval from the borough's zoning hearing board because the property, located at 605-607 E. Ridge St., is located in a zoning district that does not allow group homes.A zoning hearing is scheduled for Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Lansford Borough Hall.Family Promise Board President Sky Fogal said there is currently no homeless shelter for women in the county."There needs to be a place where homeless women can go where they can be safe and secure, and work on getting back on their feet," he said.The building was donated to the nonprofit last year. Fogal said Family Promise wouldn't be able to afford the purchase of a property on their own.Family Promise provides emergency housing, relying on a network of churches. But the shelter would enable them to do more for the homeless women who they serve. Fogal said that Family Promise has found women living under tents and bridges right here in Carbon County."There's a real need in the county, and here's a direct need in Lansford now for housing like that. We as a county need to realize that if we're not going to it, people are going to continue to live under bridges," he said.They also provide parenting classes and job development training that help families take the first step toward getting back on their feet.The second half of the project, an apartment would help families who are succeeding at putting things together, but may not be accepted for an apartment due to a lack of rental history."We've taken people out of tents - some are now phlebotomists, some work for PennDOT for flagging," he said. "Every year, well over 100 people come through our doors - I would say we have a 90-95 percent success rate.""There's something very special about being able to give a kid their own room again."

605-607 E. Ridge St., where Family Promise of Carbon County is proposing a shelter. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS