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West End news

Preschool graduation

The 40th preschool class at Effort UMC graduated Friday. The ceremony was held in the sanctuary with 12 children graduating and moving on to kindergarten. A celebration was held afterward in Wesley Hall.The next school year will start on Sept. 10. Registrations are currently being taken for children ages 3 and 4 for the Just 3's classes and the Pre-K classes. Classes beginSept. 11 and run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Just 3's are held on Tuesday and Thursday with Pre-K on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Contact preschool Director Gail Regina at 570-629-1890, ext. 201, for more information.Another graduation will take place at Effort UMC when the children and teachers of Sunday school and Body Building will be celebrating what has been learned about Christ and recognizing those who are to be promoted to the next level at the 11 a.m. serviceJune 18.Mission mealWest End Mission will provide a takeout meal for its clients in need tomorrow. The hours of service are 4:40 to 5:45 p.m.Public partyThursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Eldred Township Community Center on Kunkletown Road, a Pampered Chef party will take place. It is free and open to public.Eldred assessmentThe upcoming county assessment will be happening in Eldred Township during the next two weeks. The assessors are driving a white van with Ohio license plates, a sign on the sides and will be photographing homes for the reassessment project.Archery programThe West End Park and Open Space Commission is having an Intro to Archery program from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the West End Regional Park in Saylorsburg.All equipment will be provided. No experience is necessary. Organizers say it is perfect for the entire family.This is part of part of the Parks for Good Living and GO Get Outdoors PA programs.Advance registration is required. Contact 570-992-9733 or

bkozen@weposc.org.Growing newsThe Garden of Giving is growing with the 10-year lease of 4 acres from the Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church next to the church to expand the growing and educational capabilities of The Garden of Giving.Scouts and Venture crews are invited and expected at the Annual Scout Day on Saturday, where from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. they can be one of the first to earn The Garden of Giving badge by learning about organic gardening and healthy eating. Contact Harriet Barone 570-484-5202 or

mailforharriet@aol.com for more information and to schedule a visit.A free Family Fun Day will be held from noon to 4

p.m.June 17 on the grounds of Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Pilgrim Way in Brodheadsville, rain or shine.It is the Eagle Scout community service project of August Randazzo and is dedicated to home gardening and agriculture. Activities include pony rides, face painting, baby chicks, a ladybug release, sunflower seed planting, Farmer for a Day, antique farm equipment, healthy snack samples, demonstrations and information.On hand with information, displays and activities related to home vegetable gardening and agriculture will be Monroe County Master Gardeners and 4-H, Monroe County Conservation District, Northampton-Monroe Farm Bureau, Pocono Olde Tyme Farm Equipment, West End Fair and Museum, ShopRite, Bear Mountain Butterfly Sanctuary and more. Lindsey Edwards, 2016 West End Fair Queen, will be on hand to promote the West End Fair Queen Scholarship Program, and Chef Mike Abate from Pocono Supper Club will lead a farm-to-table cooking demonstration and sampling.For more information call 646-522-9149.International presenceMembers of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church have been asked if they speak another language would they read one or more of the petitions in that language during Mass on Pentecost. For more information, they are to contact Debbie in the office at 610-681-6137 or at

trivett@qopchurch.org.The church is also displaying arts, music, dances and foods from various heritages at the 8 and 10 a.m. as well as the 1:30 p.m. Masses from parishioners of other cultures to reflect on what happened on the first Pentecost.Celebrating PentecostMcMichaels UMC will celebrate Pentecost Sunday, with a worship service beginning at 9 a.m.The day is marked by confirmands being confirmed and Holy Communion being served.Ross SupersRoss Township Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the municipal building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.PV All SportsThe Pleasant Valley All Sports Club will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, in the high school library.Early dismissalPleasant Valley School District students' families are reminded that the Pleasant Valley School District will have early dismissals on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.Chestnuthill supersThe Chestnuthill Township Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the municipal building on Route 715 in Brodheadsville.Gardener workshopsPenn State Master Gardeners workshops are being held at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville.The next one is vermicomposting 101 on June 10. The workshop will run from 10 to 11 a.m. Attendees will learn how to set up a worm bin, keep resident worms happy and how to gather the final compost.Preregistration is due the Thursday before the presentation.To register, contact Penn State Extension at 570-421-6430 or

MonroeExt@psu.edu; 724 Phillips St., Suite 201, Stroudsburg PA 18360. Do not call the library.There is a minimal charge.Legion celebrationRobert Calcavecchia, Commander of the American Legion Post 927 in Gilbert, has announced that American Legion Post 927 will be celebrating its 70th anniversary of being founded onJune 10, at the Post home on Fairgrounds Road and Route 209 in Gilbert.He has invited the community to come to join the celebration which will begin with at 11 a.m. with a flag retirement and a 70th birthday celebration to follow.Food, special speakers and music will be provided along with a cash bar.Annual meetingOperation: Touch of Home Inc. will hold its 2017 annual members meeting at 7

p.m.June 13 at the American Legion Post 927on Route 209 in Gilbert.Proxy materials for the annual meeting are available to members on the organization's website,

www.operationtouchofhome.org.Strawberry festivalSt. Matthew's UCC in Kunkletown is holding its annual strawberry festival and car showJune 18.The day includes breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m.; worship at 10 a.m.; grill opening after worship for lunch and remaining open until 5 p.m.; music from 1 to 5 p.m.The car show runs from 8 a.m. to noon, with trophies being awarded at 3 p.m.The Laymen's Fellowship will start accepting donations at the church for the strawberry festival auction beginning June 4, on Wednesday and Friday during office hours orJune 17 in the grove until noon.Accepted will be new items, gift cards, cash or gift certificates.Middlecreek VBSMaker Fun Factory is the theme of Vacation Bible School at Middlecreek Christian Church, 343 Dorshimer Road in Kresgeville, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. daily, June 26 through June 30.This free program is for children ages 4 through 12. Friday evening, families are encouraged to stay. Crafts, snack and games are included each day. Contact Barb Fleming at 570-992-3600 for more information and to register, or the church office at 570-629-4066.Registration is not required, but would help the church to be sure to have enough supplies for all who attend.Lyme educationThe West End Park and Open Space Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Health is providing a free Lyme educational presentation at the Chestnuthill Township Park, Brodheadsville, from 4 to 6

p.m.June 26. Learn about Lyme disease and how to prevent it.To register, call 570-992-9733 or

bkozen@weposc.org.Think VBSSt. Matthew's UCC is gathering gadgets and gearing up for Maker Fun Factory VBS. Through Bible stories and activities, attendees will learn each child is crafted by God and his love gives purpose.VBS will be held July 10 through July 14 in the church grove from 9 a.m. until noon.As inventors and creators, youngsters will sing, play games, explore the Bible, do experiments, and make crafts and memories.The week also includes an optional afternoon field trip for kids and families.VBS is for kids age 4 and up. Younger children may come with a parent or caregiver for a "Mommy and Me" type experience. The VBS is free and open to the community.The church grove address is: 124 Picnic Lane, Kunkletown, PA 18058. For more information or to register, contact Staci at 610-283-4696 or

stacigeorge0317@gmail.com.Free seminarEffort UMC members have a learning possibility offered them. On Sept. 30, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, the church is hosting a seminar on will writing. Attorney Jack Rule will be there. A sign-up sheet will be placed on the Welcome Center in the near future. There is no cost for this seminar and information.Summer readingRegistration for the Summer Reading Program at Western Pocono Community Library has begun. The theme for this summer is Build a Better World!This summer the library will be using a number of STEAM activities and programs to reinforce science, technology, engineering, arts and math. The summer reading program is free and open to all ages and abilities.For more information about registration, call the library at 570-992-7934.Church flea marketOur Lady Queen of Peace Church is holding its flea market days June 23 through June 25. Donations are being accepted through June 18.Electronic recyclingEldred Township is now accepting electronics for recycling. Residents are requested to not bring things not on the list or listed as not acceptable. The list is available at the township building. Contact administrative assistant E. Ann Velopolcek at 610-381-4254, ext. 2, for a list or email

a.velopolcek@eldredtwp.org.Bring items to the back of the township building from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.Televisions in wooden cabinets must be removed from the cabinet. The township cannot accept the wooden case.The program is open until the end of September.The community center will be hosting a recycling event in November with more opportunity for recycling and recycling education. The township hopes residents will come on the Nov. 11 event.Talent showThe West End Fair is celebrating five years of great talent. Directors invite local talent to submit their videos if they want to perform at 7

p.m.Aug. 20 for the fifth annual West End Fair's Got Talent Show. Anyone who can sing, dance, do comedy, tumble, juggle or do magic and would like to perform for the community now has a chance to be on stage. First-place winners will receive $350 and perform on the main stage onAug. 25. Second place will receive $250 and 3rd $150.For more information on how to apply go to

www.TheWestEndFair.com. Upload performances to YouTube or submit a performance video (2-4 minutes maximum) and send it to

wefgottalent@gmail.com along with the name of the act and contact information.Deadline to enter is July 7.Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or

arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or
