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Polk awards paving bids

Polk Township this week reviewed bids for 2017 summer paving projects.

The contract was awarded to Hanson Aggregates in the amount of $122,525.The paving will take place on Upper Middle Creek Road.Chairman and roadmaster Brian Ahner told those present that one of the tractors used for mowing the berms is in need of repair.He said that the tractor is 28 years old and in need of roughly $5,000 worth of work.Ahner also noted that a viable replacement tractor will cost the township between $75,000 and $90,000."I agree that we should repair the old tractor and see how far we get with it for this year," Supervisor Carl Heckman said."We probably only have one to two years left on that old tractor. If we need to we can look into purchasing the new tractor for next year."The supervisors also agreed to move $500,000 of the township's assets into an account with ESSA Bank in Brodheadsville.The township has always used a bank in Kresgeville that is now known as Key Bank.The township has never had to pay fees for its accounts, however Key Bank wanted as much as $250 per month in bank fees.The township is also considering changing its insurance company from EHD, a trust, to Brown and Brown.The change would have to take place before June 1.According to Heckman, it is too late to make the change this year, but the township will consider the matter again next year.Township secretary Ruthanne Toner informed the supervisors that four of the five easements needed to begin the Hell Hollow culvert project are in hand and one will be completed shortly.The bids for the bridge installment are out and are scheduled to be opened at a special meeting at 3 p.m. June 12.