Who is who?
Who were Khrushchev, Marx and Alinsky? Khrushchev was the chairman of the Communist Party. In 1956, this cultured gentleman, while at the United Nation, removed his shoe and pounded the table with it. He ranted that communism would destroy the United States without firing a shot. Who would have predicted he would be so correct?
The policies of the party were already being implemented as Marxism has crept into our universities. This, in turn, slowly oozed into many factions in our society through the disinformation represented in the media. The Marxist ideals have seeped into the Democratic Party, our judicial system and our everyday life. Our schools have failed the youth by not teaching the concepts of our Constitution, civics and history (both American and world). Our legislators have been more concerned with keeping their jobs than keeping the spirit of democracy.Marx was the biggest proponent of the Communist ideal. His doctrine is 1, disrupt families, take children to educate them in the Marxist philosophy; 2, take away private property for the use of the state; 3, remove religion form society, take away the idea of God; 4, all monies and banking are in the hands of the state; 5, all industry, farming and transportation belong to the state. "From those according to their ability; to those according to their needs." "Workers of all countries unite!"Alinksy was the originator of the Community Organizers. Most of us would think that being a community organizer is someone who sits at the polling place after encouraging people to vote. That is not so for Alinsky and his followers, like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Cesar Chavez. Alinsky wrote the book "Rules for Radicals." He proposed opposition by any radical means. Disinformation, violent protest and anarchy were his weapons. He followed the lead of Marx and Lenin.He ridiculed his opponents and blamed them for his bad actions. He said lie, cheat and steal to obtain our objectives. Does any of this sound familiar?NOS DROVIA COMRADES!Walt FaganJim Thorpe