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Mahoning holds public hearing for block grant

Mahoning Township's board of supervisors held a public hearing for the 2017 Community Development Block Grant during Wednesday's meetings, with prospective funding likely earmarked for road projects.

No one in attendance offered input or commentary for the grants, which are part of a program to primarily benefit low to moderate income citizens of an area, with at least 51 percent of the population meeting that standard. Block grants also focus on addressing slums and blight, and aim to meet particularly urgent community development needs.Mahoning Township is set to receive approximately $70,042 from a 2016 grant application later this year. The funding will be applied to the reconstruction and repavement of Pine and Douglas streets.Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt said that the 2017 grant money will likely also go toward the same roads."I think we're going to apply this year to the same project with Pine and Douglas, because I don't think there's enough money in one year to cover the whole project. It's probably going to be a two-year deal," Steigerwalt said.A pre-application for the 2017 CDBG grant is due byJune 2. A second hearing is anticipated in September, with formal applications submitted by November or December.In other newsThe board accepted bids for fuel and road materials for fiscal year 2017.Superior Plus Energy offered a bid for 18,500 total gallons of fuel, including 2000 gallons of propane, 5,500 gallons of low sulfur diesel, 3,000 gallons of heating fuel. and 8,000 gallons lead free gasoline, totaling approximately $31,280.Secretary-Treasurer Natalie Haggerty said that the figures were only a slight increase over last year's cost.Lehigh Asphalt and Paving submitted a bid for 10,300 tons of road materials, including wearing course, base course, stone, riprap, and numerous other items, for a total of $340,505.• Police Chief Audie Mertz announced that a request for a grant from Walmart was granted for $2,000 to cover the cost of two new portable radios. The board approved the expenditure of the grant.• Steigerwalt made a motion to ratify the replacement of a broken spring on the township's Ford F250 truck, for a cost between $600 and $630.• Haggerty announced that the board had received a $19,400 surplus claim fund check for 2016 from insurance company Benecon."It's actually more than a one-month premium that we received back," Haggerty said.