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N. Lehigh awards $838K for school improvements

A series of projects will cost Northern Lehigh School District more than $838,000.

On a unanimous measure, the school board this week agreed to award bids for the following:• The middle school and high school oil tank replacement projects, to

J.B.M. Mechanical Inc. at a cost of $486,000, to be funded from the 2017-18 general fund budget.• The Peters Elementary and high school secure entrance projects, to CMG of Easton, at a cost of $221,800. The project is budgeted in the 2017-18 general fund budget.• The high school door upgrade project, to CMG, at a cost of $70,000, budgeted in the 2017-18 general fund budget.• The wastewater lift station replacement at the high school, to Derstine Company at a cost of $48,500. The project is budgeted in the 2017-18 general fund budget.• The purchase of a warming unit for the high school cafeteria, and a convection oven for the middle school cafeteria, at a total cost not to exceed $12,000, to be paid from the 2017-18 cafeteria budget.