Published May 09. 2017 02:46PM
Marian Catholic High School in Hometown continued its long-standing tradition of honoring Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother, during the school's annual May Procession observance on May 1. The event included the crowning of the Blessed Mother by May queen Kathleen Blozusky of Frackville, surrounded by her court. Participants included, front, from left: Karlee Gimeno, Kelli Hughes, Kathleen Blozusky and Angela Grega. Back: Jake Paluck, Dennis Mummey, Jarod Paisley and Anthony Collevechio. Marian's tradition began in 1954, the year the diocesan high school was created by Archbishop John F. O'Hara during what was called "The Marian Year," a year dedicated to the Blessed Mother. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO