Published May 06. 2017 09:01AM
The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Palmerton Hotel, 302 Delaware Ave., Palmerton.
The topic will be "Issues Facing Palmerton," and will feature a discussion with borough Mayor Chris Olivia, as well as members of Palmerton Borough Council, including Kris Hoffner, Bill Gallagher, Holly Sell and council President Terry Costenbader.The meeting will be preceded by an optional social hour and dinner at 6 p.m. for which reservations are requested.For dinner reservations, contact Kathy Fallow at, or 301-404-2224 by Monday.The group continues to collect canned goods at each meeting to be donated to the Food Bank run by the Community Action Council of Palmerton Area Churches.For more information about the group, contact club President Sarina Berlow at, or 610-597-0106.