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West Penn residents reminded open burn ban still in effect

West Penn Township residents have been reminded that a temporary open burning ban remains in effect in Schuylkill County.

The township's board of supervisors announced at Monday's meeting that Schuylkill County has issued a temporary open burning ban through noon May 21.During the ban, any outdoor burning of items such as garbage, leaves, grass, twigs, litter, paper, cardboard and wood in burn barrels, fire rings, or on open ground is prohibited.However, grilling on gas or charcoal grills for the sole purpose of preparing food is permissible.Residents violating the ban face fines of $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second, and $300 for each additional violation.Violators are also responsible for the cost of extinguishment of any wild land fire they cause, for which expenses may amount to thousands of dollars.Rainfall, forest and ground cover conditions are being evaluated continually by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources personnel, and they may recommend an extension of the ban if conditions dictate.Questions may be directed to the Schuylkill County Emergency Management Agency at 570-621-9966, or by email to

BurnBan@scema.org.Other businessIn other action, supervisors:• Awarded several bids related to the 2017 road materials.• Hired Herb Woodring as assistant secretary, retroactive to March 1, at a salary of $12.75 an hour.• Announced that a pancake breakfast for the South Ward Fire Company will be heldSunday at the West Penn Township Fire Company, and the monthly breakfast will be held May 14 at the West Penn Township Fire Company.• Announced the board's next meeting will be held at 9 a.m. May 15.