Published May 05. 2017 02:47PM
Palmerton borough manager Rodger Danielson said last week that a Community Development Block Grant is being used for a backup generator for the 5th Street fire station. The project is currently underway.
Councilman Kris Hoffner announced the sale of the fire department's 1981 midi-pumper. The borough recently purchased and received a 2016 pickup/brushfire truck."It's small enough that it can get through the alleyways," Hoffner said.In other fire news, Carolyn Kroboth was approved for a fire police volunteer position at the Palmerton Municipal Fire CompanyDepending upon the Road Program bids in May, future block grant money may be allocated to other projects. The 2017 Road Program bid opening will take place at 2 p.m. on May 22.Sewer, solid waste, and water chairman Michael Ballard said that the recycling event will take place from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. on May 11 at the borough garage.The following summer employees were approved for summer work:• Zach Svetik, at a rate of $7.68 per hour.• Tyler Svetik, at a rate of $8.13 per hour.• Kole Rodrigues, at a rate of $7.50 per hour.The board approved the advertisement of a resolution declaring the borough's intent to follow the retention and disposition schedule issued by the local government records committee, and authorizing the disposal of records based on the schedule. April's schedule included 75 items, including old council requests, police department log sheets, bid files, and more.Congressman Matt Cartwright, D-PA 17th District, will hold a town hall meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on May 11 at the borough office.