Lehighton electric rate to rise
For the first time in nearly a decade, Lehighton customers will see a minimal increase in their electric rates.
On a 6-1 vote, borough council recently adopted a resolution fixing the electric rates. Councilman Joe Flickinger was opposed.The new rates went into effect Monday, with the customer charge for the residential rate class going from $7.50 to $10; from $10.50 to $15 for general and commercial; from $15.50 to $20 for general and commercial over 500,000 kilowatts, and from $25.50 to $30 for industrial.Borough Manager Nicole Beckett said the original fee schedule resolution was voted on at council's meeting in March, which set the electric rates, as well as other borough fees.Beckett said the adjustment approved at that time was to the customer charge, not the electric rate."This is the first customer charge increase since 2009," Beckett said. "Electric rates have not been adjusted since 2011."Beckett said the resolution is to get the rates codified to borough ordinances.In a related matter, council approved a resolution in defense of borough-operated municipal electric systems in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.Beckett said that a state representative in western Pennsylvania has indicated his intention to introduce legislation to amend borough code to regulate and control municipal electric systems.She said the borough is one of 35 municipalities that owns its own electric utility, as Lehighton Light & Power is locally owned and controlled, has local employees, provides continual and reliable service and has local oversight.Beckett said that council shops for the best electric power supply, and sets the most economical rates for the community.The proposed legislation would impose severe financial burden on the borough, she said.In other business, council:• Appointed Denise Murphy to the zoning hearing board.• Granted conditional final approval of the DeSousa subdivision.• Authorized the sale of a used Graco Line Painter in the amount of $375.