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Genits runs for Lansford council

Joseph Genits, of West Front Street in Lansford, is seeking his nomination to Lansford Borough Council in the May 16 primary election.

His candidacy brings an extensive and exemplary record of prior public service to the borough while serving as mayor from 1982-86, then being appointed as the borough's first zoning officer and code enforcement official from 1986-88.He worked as a full-time welding instructor and also as a cooperative coordinator at Lehigh Career & Technical School in Schnecksville for 32 years until his retirement. Genits' teacher certification and education was received through Temple University.He received no pay while serving Lansford in various capacities, realizing a savings of over $15,000 in salaries. He again was appointed by council to serve as the borough's code enforcement official from August 2005 until March 2007. He accomplished many improvements, including spearheading court cases for the demolition of many blighted structures. He was simultaneously elected to borough council and mayor in January 2006, and chose to accept the council seat, serving as council president until July 2007.His accomplishments included sponsoring updates to code enforcement ordinances, proposed amendments to other local ordinances, and specifically, drafting and enacting the Landlord Licensing Rental Ordinance, while hiring the first full-time Lansford code officer.He volunteered hours of snowplow driving, made repairs to borough equipment, and coordinated the acquisition of a used dump truck from the Turnpike Commission. He was instrumental in attempting to form a Panther Valley Council of Governments and also recommended the regionalization of local police departments by inviting state officials to make presentations to the Panther Valley borough councils.Genits believes that Lansford needs much improvement with operational transparency, a thorough review of budgetary practices and audit compliance, improved oversight by council members of the borough's daily operation or consideration for hiring a borough manager.He feels it's time to restart discussions with nearby communities to combine local government services and departments. He would like to encourage increased media reporting includinginvestigative reporting.Genits is running on the Democratic primary ticket, but he is asking forRepublican voters to write in his name.