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Parryville updating playground, streets

The Parryville playground committee will take inventory on its reconstruction equipment for the playground.

"They will have to begin by fixing the fence of the playground,"explained council member Ralph Washburn.The borough decided it will not try to apply for a grant for renovations to the playground. Instead it will look for more donations and volunteers within the community.President Cathy Hawk said this will "save the hassle of having an evaluation and paying for engineer costs."Parryville borough has upgraded its street sweeper in efforts to try to keep the streets cleaner.Council also has plans to use its new asphalt zipper machine to grind down some of the deplorable road conditions.After the high parts of the potholes are grinded down the remaining hole can be filled in with tar.Also, the borough will have a little money in the upcoming months in liquid fuel funds to be used for road repair.Parryville will join the Keep America Beautiful movement this year and are looking for volunteers to help clean up the community. The event will be held Sunday, May 7.Anyone who is interested is asked to meet at the Parryville borough hall that day between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.The movement's efforts are to bring the community together by splitting up into smalls groups and picking up any garbage laying in the area.Gloves, orange vests and garbage bags will be provided by the Keep America Beautiful movement.Interested people can contact council President Hawk at 610-349-2387.