Published April 17. 2017 12:53PM
Tamaqua Area School Board's finance committee on Tuesday recommended the district's business manager submit renewal documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education to approve the third year of the district's five-year agreement with the Nutrition Group.
The contract term is July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.In other businessThe board's finance committee recommended approval:• Of the assignment of rights and obligation for the South Tamaqua Coal Pockets and the district.• Of the second reading of a policy related to transportation.• For the business manager to begin the request for proposal process for waste removal and transportation services.• Of a resolution appointing business manager Connie Ligenza as the authorized office to execute transactions on behalf of the district's accounts, and to list her, as well as Superintendent Ray Kinder, as authorized signers.• Of a certificate of authority naming Ligenza and Kinder as authorized representatives with respect to transactions regarding the Fegley Scholarship Trust.• Of a resolution naming board President Larry Wittig, Vice President Thomas Rottet, treasurer Daniel Schoener and Ligenza as authorized signers for accounts.The board's education committee recommended approving:• The request of the elementary principal for an out-of-state trip to Washington, D.C., for the West Penn fifth grade on May 5. The trip is being sponsored by the West Penn PTO.• A nonresident, district-paid tuition student from the Mahanoy Area School District to attend West Penn Elementary School from April 10 to June 1 at a prorated cost of $4,804.• Friday for Tamaqua Elementary School as an Act 80 Day, and Monday as an Act 80 day for the entire school district.• The first reading of a policy related to graduation requirements.