Published April 03. 2017 02:46PM
Parryville Borough Council continued talks of its playground renovation this week when the newly appointed playground committee joined the meeting.
The committee of residents and council members discussed the idea of a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to afford the renovation. The grant is one given by the state in efforts to connect the residents to the outdoors through recreation enhancement.The DCNR grant must be applied for by April 12 and will be determined before next month's council meeting.New memberThe Parryville council will also welcome a new council member as they have voted and appointed Penni Szoke to the council Monday.Other businessIn previous weeks, the borough has opened up bidding for the approved grant of the asphalt zipper. The borough has worked with the Carbon County Council of Governments to achieve the $100,000 grant that will cover the cost of the equipment.The borough received one bid, which was accepted, for the equipment.As this grant was the first one that the CCOG has helped attain, a media event will be held 45 days after the equipment is received. The grant was applied for by the Parryville borough in 2015 and had approximately a one-year wait period before approval.The media event will be held in Mahoning Township where the equipment will be stored.It was brought to the council's attention that the town's traffic signs need to be replaced. All municipalities must be compliant with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regulations by 2018.To be compliant, all signs must meet a certain reflectivity standard determined by the state.Parryville plans to replace half of the signs this year and the rest in 2018. All signs will be up to code by 2018.