Published February 14. 2017 02:46PM
A Saylorsburg woman admitted driving drunk while a juvenile was in her vehicle. She also pleaded to another driving under the influence charge and is facing prison time.
Brook Lynn Bleamer, 36, pleaded to two DUI cases before Carbon County Judge Joseph J. Matika. She was arrested by state police at Lehighton after being involved in a crash on Oct. 22, 2015. At the scene troopers found a 7-year-old in the vehicle. The second arrest occurred in Palmerton on Aug. 11, 2016, when borough police stopped her vehicle. A test in that case revealed a 0.13 BAC.Sentencing was deferred so Bleamer could apply for placement in the county's Intermediate Punishment Program - house arrest. Matika told her even if she qualifies for the IPP, there is jail time to be served.