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Super Sunday

Whether it's just you and your spouse or you're hosting half the neighborhood, you need to serve up some good eats on Super Bowl Sunday.

After Thanksgiving, the Super Bowl is America's second biggest eating day. According to Good Housekeeping magazine, during the big game we down approximately 1.3 billion wings and 11.2 million pounds of potato chips, buy 139.4 million pounds of avocados for guacamole, then we wash it all down with roughly 325.5 gallons of beer.Amid all that gluttony, you might be surprised to learn that consumers buy more veggies for the big day than anything else.Think about it. You need something to carry that creamy ranch dip from the bowl to your mouth.Even while noshing on carrots sticks and celery, the average game watcher is scarfing down about 6,000 calories, but who's counting?So get your game face on (and maybe a pair of slacks with an elastic waist), and get cooking.Here are a few recipes to help you along.