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Mahoning to pay for half of traffic light repair

Mahoning Township will foot half the bill of the four-way traffic light repair at the busy intersection of Blakeslee Boulevard and Mahoning Mountain Road.

According to board of supervisors' President Franklin Ruch, the pole propping up the light on the corner next to Miracle Ear is beginning to tilt in toward the roadway."The pole is leaning hard, but the good news is it's PPL's pole and they were down to put fiberglass around it," Ruch said."Lehighton is going to run a wire, (for the red lights) and send us half the bill because it's half our light."Ruch again broached the topic of vacating four township-located roadways."Willow Lane, Cortez Alley, Long Hollow and Packerton Hollow. When the bridge on Willow Lane goes I don't want to be responsible. We need to put up barricades on either side and vacate it," he told the board.Steigerwalt said Cortez Alley is, "Not an ordained street, but we inherited it from taking care of it for 30 years. We just don't want to take care of it anymore."Township solicitor Thomas Nanovic said he would require specifications of the roads to be vacated."I need descriptions and plans to see what I can come up with," he said. "I'll see exactly what the township code says.""We will have to notify everyone because we'll have to hold hearings," Steigerwalt said.The board agreed. "OK, let's get the ball rolling," Ruch said.After approving the new Taser policy, Mahoning Police will now be able to carry and use the newly purchased Tasers."We just added language into the 'Use of Force' policy to bring it up to current standards," Police Chief Audie Mertz said."It's similar to Lehighton's but they use a different (Taser) model," Nanovic said.

The pole propping up the four-way traffic light at intersection of Blakeslee Blvd. and Mahoning Mountain Road has begun to lean into the roadway. KELLEY ANDRADE/TIMES NEWS