Carbon Plaza expanding, adding Dollar Tree store
The Carbon Plaza Mall is about to branch out.
The Dack Carbon Associates LCC, represented by Harold Newton, received approval to move forward with its plans to add a Dollar Tree to the strip mall located on Route 443.The new store will be installed to the far left of the Giant Food Store in a space previously used for storage by the food and household retailer.The issue before the Mahoning Township Board during its second monthly meeting was whether or not the owners had met parking requirements.A township ordinance had previously required four spaces per 1,000 square feet of retail space. After meeting with township zoning code officer Carl Faust, Dack Carbon added several more spaces, bringing the count up from 875 spaces to 927.Faust had to sign off on the new spaces for the project to move forward.Newton also requested the board update Mahoning’s parking ordnance to set new requirements for future occupants.“I expect you’ll see a lot more changes over the years out there. That’s why we are asking to set the standard,” he said.While the board approved of the new spaces, it declined to set the new rules.“They can start doing what they need to do, and we can come back to that later,” said board President Franklin Ruch.“I don’t have a problem with what he is proposing, but I’d like to see what our engineer thinks,” said Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt.“You could have people parking at Rent-A-Center having to walk all the way up to different stores. They may just come back later or not at all.”Newton suggested labeling the parking lot for “mixed use” explaining, “The doctor’s hours are not the same as the movie theater’s. If you have a single user there you don’t benefit from the mixed use, but with multiple businesses you benefit from it.”The board approved the additional 48 spaces.