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Penn Forest Twp. changes public comment rules

Penn Forest Township supervisors will now restrict public comment period held at the beginning of the meetings to agenda items only.

Any member of the audience who wishes to address the supervisors on any other subject must wait until the end of the regular meeting to be given an opportunity to speak.In other business, the supervisors agreed to have township solicitor Thomas Nanovic draft a resolution admitting the Charles Getz farm into the township’s agricultural security zone. The Getz farm is located in Kidder Township, but Kidder does not have an ag security zone.According to Nanovic, the law permits landowners to petition adjoining townships to include their property in its zone. The township had been asked to consider this in the past, but did not act on it because according to Nanovic, the applicant cannot be charged for the legal fees.Supervisor Christine Fazio abstained from the vote.“There is no benefit to Penn Forest Township,” Fazio said. “I don’t see why we should pay for it.”“There is no disadvantage to the township, either,” said Supervisor Scott Lignore. “So I think we should just do it so it doesn’t keep coming up.”Supervisor Roger Meckes seconded the motion and it passed.Chairman Warren Reiner pointed out that December was a rough month weatherwise for the township.“We spent more in December then we did in all of last winter,” he said. “There was rain, ice and snow. It was a bad month.”The township received preliminary plans for Phase III of the park, but Lignore said they are not complete and there is additional information needed before the package can be put out for bids. The concession stand and bathrooms are included in Phase III.Reiner also said that the township met with a lighting contractor to discuss lighting the playing fields.“We are going to have to play in the daylight,” Reiner said. “The cost of lighting those fields is astronomical. It’s outrageous. We need to take a look at the park and decide where we really need to add lights for safety reasons, not for lighting the playing fields.”