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Carbon agencies to conduct Point in Time count

The Point in Time Count is a nationwide count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless people on a single night in January, led by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

With a common commitment to the goal of ending homelessness, several Carbon County agencies are teaming up to participate in the 2017 PIT Count, with a focus on homeless youth and veterans.The 2017 PIT Count is taking place Jan. 25.The count is vital to the success of local agencies, as it determines how funding will be distributed in the future to help those experiencing homelessness, or at imminent risk of being homeless. The funding is highly beneficial as it enables nonprofit providers, and state and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families, while minimizing the trauma and dislocation those affected experience. This funding also allows agencies to educate and optimize self-sufficiency among those in homeless situations, ultimately contributing to the overall vitality and future growth of our hometowns.In order to effectively execute a successful PIT Count, participating agencies are reaching out to members of our community to volunteer their support, especially service providers, churches, and social groups.There are several ways you or your social/service group may become involved.In-kind donations to help fill supply bags to be offered to those identified as homeless, during the PIT Count. Needed are: socks, gloves, duct tape, garbage bags, hygiene products, gift card donations in any denomination to be used for food, shelter, or supplies needed.Also new and unused blankets, pillows and sleeping bags.Volunteers are also needed to distribute fliers and information regarding the PIT Count within your community and use of social media.Teams of 3-4 are needed to walk in one of the following communities on the night of Jan. 25: Jim Thorpe, Lansford, Lehighton, Palmerton and Weatherly.By participating, you will walk/drive within your designated community under the direction of an assigned team leader, identify those appearing to be homeless and assist with general survey questions as well as information/supply distribution. A training session will be provided to those interested in volunteering their participation in the count.Participants may choose to attend either session:• 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. Jan. 11 at Zion United Church of Christ, 225 Iron St., Lehighton.To register or for more information, contact the Carbon County Action Committee at 610-377-6400 ext. 221 or 223. Registration to attend appreciated, but not mandatoryDonations of in-kind supplies are being collected by the Carbon County Action Committee. Please mail or drop off in their office, located at 267 S. Second St., Lehighton. Office hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and may be reached by calling 610-377-6400, ext. 221 or 223.If you are in need of a donation pickup, please contact the office to make arrangements to do so.The participating agencies in the 2017 PIT Count are Carbon County Action Committee for Human Services, Family Promise of Carbon County, Peaceful Knights, CareerLink, St. Peter’s Community Resource Center.