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Palm Dems to discuss "fake news"

Dave and Erin Ninehouser from the Hear Yourself Think Project will be the featured speakers at the Palmerton Area Democratic Club's meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Palmerton Hotel, 302 Delaware Ave., Palmerton. Their interactive presentation and discussion via Skype will focus on "Fake News - How to make truth matter again."

"Hear Yourself Think.org is a nonprofit organization based outside of Pittsburgh dedicated to 'Making America Think Again' and rebuild the habits of critical thinking that are the foundation of democracy itself," said club President Sarina Berlow. "Dave and Erin will briefly explore the factors that contributed to the evolution of our current political climate, 'Fake News' creating different universes of facts, how to understand and counter this phenomenon to enable us to move forward."The meeting will be preceded by an optional social hour and dinner for which reservations are requested.The club continues to collect canned goods for the Palmerton Area Council of Churches at every meeting.The area covered by the club includes Palmerton, Bowmanstown, Towamensing Township and Lower Towamensing Township.Meetings are held monthly at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month from September through May.Annual dues are $1 per year, and are due Jan. 1. Newcomers are welcome.For dinner reservations, contact Kathy Fallow at

kathy.fallow@gmail.com, or 301-404-2224 by Monday.For more information about the organization, contact Berlow at

sarinaberlow@gmail.com or 610-597-0106.

Elected as this year's officers for the Palmerton Area Democratic Club during the club's annual meeting held recently are, from left, Janine Carazo, treasurer; Sarina Berlow, president; Kathy Fallow, vice president; and Marian Hoffner, secretary. Missing from the photo is Linda Christman, southern regional coordinator for the Carbon County Democratic Committee's Executive Board. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO