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Be the best version of yourself

With the dawning of the new year upon us, it's only natural for introspection to kick in.

In many instances, the slightest turn of the calendar represents the time of year when we begin to self analyze ourselves.It's when we begin to evaluate if we're happy with what we do, if we like how we feel or look, or if there's something we'd like to change.Our inquisitiveness tends to set in, and we affirm in our minds that we are on our way to bigger and better things; that seemingly anything is possible.This evening, a good many of us will gather with loved ones and friends and watch as the countdown to 2017 draws nearer.At long last, the ball will drop, hugs and kisses will be shared, and pleasantries exchanged.It is at that exact point when many of us, if we haven't already, will make our New Year's resolution.The thing about New Year's resolutions, though, is that they can be either hit or miss.There will be those who will be able to uphold their resolutions, and there will be others who fall shy.Rather than pigeonhole ourselves, perhaps we should instead embark on another path.Focus on being the best of version of yourself.So, what exactly does that mean?Continue to do what makes you happy.Weed out the things in your life that are negative or a distraction.Search for strategies toward self-improvement.Treat others with respect.Give thanks to those who show they care.Do not criticize people until you walk a mile in their shoes.Praise people for a job well done, and offer support in their time of need.Last, but not least, pay it forward.A new year can, and should, evoke all kinds of thoughts, emotions, or ideas.But, that doesn't necessarily mean we should undergo a massive face-lift.Instead, keep it simple, and try to stay within your means.After all, sometimes the best changes in life are the ones we don't make.Let's start out 2017 on a positive note, and look to maintain that vibe all year through.And with that, I'll leave you with a quote from the late disc jockey Casey Kasem."Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."