Published December 20. 2016 02:48PM
Enjoy a restaurant meal and stick to your goals
While it is best to prepare your food at home where you have control over ingredients and calories, at some point this holiday season you are most likely going to be eating a meal (or two) in a restaurant. Stick to your healthy eating goals while still enjoying a restaurant meal with these simple swaps:• Order a beverage that has little to no sugar (save the calories to eat instead of drink).• If you're going to order an alcoholic drink, opt for a simple glass of wine or light beer instead of a fancy (sugary) cocktail.• Substitute your side of fries with a side of fruit, a vegetable, or a salad.• Ask for oil and vinegar for your salad instead of a creamy dressing.• Remember that "gluten-free" does not mean a dish is healthier or lower in calories.• Share your appetizer or dessert with the whole table.• Wrap up half your meal to go before you take your first bite, or ask the server to do it for you.• Ask the server to hold the bread/chips, or if the table insists, send the basket to the far end and distract yourself with conversation instead.• Be mindful of every bite you take to really savor the flavor of your meal.Remember that you are likely dining out to celebrate a special event or spend time with friends and family. Make quality time and good conversation the main focus of this occasion.Follow these steps to leave your party comfortably full instead of painfully stuffed:• Have a light snack one or two hours before the party to avoid feeling ravenous at mealtime.• Use a smaller plate to encourage good portion control.• Fill your plate with salad and vegetable dishes first. Starting your meal with high fiber foods will help you fill up on foods with more nutrients and fewer calories.• Eat slowly and wait 10-15 minutes before heading back for seconds.• Enjoy the party. You are there for the people, not the food.- From the website Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less.
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