Published December 13. 2016 12:09PM
Tamaqua police cited two people recently in connection with separate fights.
A 13-year-old Tamaqua girl was cited for fighting with a younger girl at the Tamaqua Skate Park at 3 p.m. on Nov. 18. Police received cellphone video of the incident on Dec. 5. The video shows the 13-year-old assaulting the 11-year-old, punching her, kneeing her in the face and knocking the victim's glasses to the ground, where they were stepped on and broken. The younger girl repeatedly told her tormentor she didn't want to fight.The teen was cited for fighting after her mother was notified charges would be filed.On Dec. 5, at 11:42 p.m., officers were sent to Rolling Mill Avenue for an assault. The female said she was thrown down the stairs by William "Eric" Sweatt, 48, ofRolling Mill Avenue. She was transported by ambulance to St. Luke's Miners Campus in Coaldale, complaining of shoulder and back pain.Sweatt was cited for simple assault.