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Man sentenced to 12 to 24 years in 2013 drug deal slaying

ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - A man has been sentenced to 12 to 24 years in prison in the shooting death of an eastern Pennsylvania man during a drug deal three years ago.

Twenty-seven-year-old Kawan Morrison tearfully apologized to the family of 21-year-old Ian Juma on Monday and said both men were supposed to walk away.Witnesses told police the men were arguing over a marijuana deal just before the June 2013 killing in Bethlehem. Morrison pleaded guilty in October to third-degree murder.Morrison's attorney said his client had a difficult childhood and joined a gang as a youth. Senior Deputy District Attorney Craig Scheetz said the victim was shot in the back in what he called "a "cowardly act."Juma's fiance said their son suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after his father was killed.