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Jim Thorpe news

Class luncheons

• Members of the 1965 Jim Thorpe High School class will meet at noon Thursdayat A CA Mia Restaurant in Walnutport. There will be a gift exchange among those planning to attend and an item or two for the food bank. These items should be nonperishable only or paper products and health care items.• Jim Thorpe High School class of 1964 will meet at noonDec. 21at the Blue Shamrock in Palmerton to celebrate the holidays. The members decided at the November meeting that instead of a gift exchange, they would donate to worthy causes.A $300 donation from the class treasury will be made to St. Jude's. Valor House was selected also.Items needed are personal care products, towels, wash cloths, etc. For the homeless in the area, used, clean coats or jackets, scarves, gloves and hats will be accepted. K-cups will be sent to the active duty service men and women.Members do not have to donate items to all of the causes, but they may do so if they wish.Sunday school programThe Olde Tyme Christmas Celebration will be hosted by the Sunday school of St. John's Lutheran Church on South Avenue beginning at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. The program featuring the children will include recitations and songs and a skit by the youth group.Light refreshments with a birthday cake for Jesus will be served following the program.Fire company partyThe Diligent Fire Company will host its annual Christmas party for children from 1-3 p.m. Saturday. The event will take place at the company headquarters on Centre Avenue.The party is for children up to the age of 10.Contact Ann Louise Hayes at 570-325-4435. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or
