Published December 07. 2016 02:45PM
With its lower park renovations completed, Lehighton has turned its attention toward the revitalization of its upper park.
Council recently approved a resolution approving the submission of the PennDOT Multimodal Grant to be used for the upper park pedestrian connection improvements.Borough Manager Nicole Beckett said the upper park project would consist of curbing, sidewalks, lighting, walkway improvements and better accessibility.The funds can be used to enhance communities by coordinating land use with transportation assets for projects related to streetscapes, lighting, sidewalks, pedestrian safety or transit-oriented development. Municipalities, counties, school districts, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, ports, rail freight and passenger rail entities are eligible to apply.In a related matter, council also approved the PennDOT Multimodal Grant Funding Commitment letter in the amount of $149,943, which is a 30 percent grant match.A local match of 30 percent is required. Applications are due by Dec. 16.In June, the borough held a rededication ceremony of the Colonel Jacob Weiss Park.That project also involved the installation of new sidewalks, new walkways, crosswalks, landscaping, fountain updates, a relocation of the memorial pavers and the cleaning and restoring of the Colonel Weiss statue.The lower park's $600,000 transformation was funded by the borough and the Commonwealth Financing Authority, while the improvements were designed by Barry Isett and Associates in 2009.
A look at Lehighton's upper park, where the borough eventually plans to make pedestrian connection improvements. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS