Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary meets
The regular monthly meeting of the Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary to Post 8008 was held onNov. 13 at the post home, opened by President Cheri Santore, who then resigned due to other commitments.
Senior Vice President Christa Kattner was named the president, and Tony DeMarco moved to the senior vice president position.Before the session, the charter was draped in memory of recently departed sisters, Sophie Malatak and Alverta Kern.Membership applications were accepted for two new members and one transfer. General Orders 4 were read and filed for action.Several thank-you notes were received for recent donations. Eighty-eight cards were sent since the last meeting.Several members participated in the Veterans Day Parade in Palmerton and the service at St. Theresa's Shrine in New Columbus.A bloodmobile visit was held on Oct. 12, and the next visit will be Dec. 14.Several members reported they signed online petitions and provided transportation to others under Community Service.Forty-seven of 65 members have paid their dues; dues are now payable for 2017.Noah Easterly was the entry from Panther Valley High School for the Voice of Democracy contest and his entry has been submitted to District 20 for judging on that level.The annual auxiliary Christmas party will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 15, Lengyel's Restaurant.District President Guyette Calles will be a guest of the auxiliary and will do the annual inspection at that time. All those who were not present at the meeting and would like to attend can contact Maureen at 669-9578 to make their reservation.At the December dinner, an election for the office of junior vice president will be held.Donations were made to VFW National Home's Health and Happiness Fund, Trees for Troops and the Veterans Outreach program.A District 20 meeting was held onNov. 20, hosted by Tobyhanna Post 509 and Auxiliary; two members attended.A UVO meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8, at the post; the auxiliary is invited to attend.It has been noted that 2017 will be the 75th anniversary of the plane crash on the Broad Mountain, which took the life of Lt. Fred Knauff. The memorial site has been maintained and honored by the veterans of the town since that time. Knauff's family is planning a visit some time next year to visit the site.Further information will follow as it is received.A brief meeting will be held before the dinner at the Christmas party on Dec. 15. All members are welcome to attend.