West End news
Food pantry open
Effort UMC's Supplemental Food Resource Center will be open for normal distribution Saturday and it is the last day for regular use families to register for a Thanksgiving basket. Baskets will be distributed from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Nov. 19 There will be no pantry distribution Nov. 26.The church is seeking donations for such baskets including canned yams, turkeys, turkey gravy and broth, stuffing mix, frozen pie crusts or box pie crust mix, canned vegetables, potatoes, pie filling, etc. Donations should be at the pantry before Monday.Orphan benefitOur Lady Queen of Peace is holding a tricky tray benefit for orphans with disabilities in Ukraine from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.The drawing starts at 1:15 p.m.Foods and beverages will be available for purchase.There will also be a display in the atrium highlighting the Orphan Outreach Ministry and the Mercy Mission Trip to Ukraine that Sandie Flannery took in August.There is an admission fee which includes a set number of tickets. More are available for a cost.Food and beverages will be available for purchase.Free eventThe Western Pocono Lioness Club will have a free event, Kookies and Krafts with Kriss Kringle from 1-3 p.m. at the Chestnuthill Township Park Building on Saturday.All children must be accompanied by an adult. Each family will receive one free family picture. The children may decorate a cookie and make a craft. Music for the season will be provided by Joe and Chris Malocheski.Tickets availableComplimentary tickets are still available for Cecilia S. Cohen Hall concert at ESU with Kurt Nikkanen who will perform a violin recital with piano accompaniment at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.If interested, contact Judy at 570-420-3735 or by email at
jujones@monroecountypa.gov.Mass changeThe winter Mass schedule at our Lady Queen of Peace Church is changing beginning this Saturday and ending March 11, 2017. The Saturday evening Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m. Confessions will be heard from 3 to 3:45 p.m.Order deadlineSalem-St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Kresgeville, is holding a filling, apple dumpling and celery seed dressing sale. Order deadline is Sunday; pickup is 5
p.m.Nov. 18.For costs and other information, call the church at 610-681-5191.Special serviceSt. Matthew's UCC in Kunkletown has a special service the second Sunday of every month at noon. It is a country gospel service.Free mealsOur Lady Queen of Peace Church is hosting a free Sunday supper this Sunday and a luncheon at 12:30
p.m.Nov. 16.All meals are in McCawley Hall.Senior promThe YMCA is the site for the annual senior prom from 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Anyone 55 or older, or those who enjoy the company of a mature crowd, are welcome.The theme is: Black & White Ball.There is a fee. It is less when pre-purchased than at the door.Call 570-421-2525 to purchase tickets.Toys for TotsThe Pleasant Valley Elementary School will begin its Toys for Tots collection on Monday. It will continue through Dec. 16.Movie timeThe Western Pocono Community Library will have movie time at 6:30 p.m. Monday with "The Pilgrims - a PBS American Experience Documentary." At 1
p.m.Nov. 17, the library will feature "Inside Einstein's Mind: The Enigmas of Space and Time."UMW meetsEffort UMC's United Methodist Women will meet at 7 p.m. Monday. It is the time for the thank offering, elections of officers, doing the budget for the next year and evolving the 2017 programs.For information contact Dee at
deedlebug24@gmail.com, Rosalie at
rjuris@yahoo.com or Jan at
eumc103@ptd.net.PVE PTOThe Pleasant Valley Elementary School's PTO will meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.Prayer shawl groupEffort UMC's Prayer Shawl Group will meet at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Anyone who knits or crochets or wants to learn is welcome to join.RepublicansDue to the Thanksgiving holiday, the West End Republican Club will meet this Tuesday instead of next at 7 p.m. at Cherry's Sunset Family Restaurant in Kresgeville. The optional dinner is at 6 p.m.ChestnuthillThe Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the township municipal building in Brodheadsville.All Sport ClubThe Pleasant Valley All Sports Club will meet at 7 p.m. in the high school library Monday.Fitness classesThe West End Park & Open Space Commission offers fitness classes of different types. They include: Zumba every Tuesday evening from 6-7 p.m.; yoga each Wednesday morning from 9:30-10:30 a.m.; and PiYo on Tuesdays from 7:15-8:15 p.m. and Thursdays from 6-7 p.m., which combines Pilates and yoga.Classes are held at the Chestnuthill Park, 221 Route 715, Brodheadsville. Walk-ins are accepted. For costs or other information, contact 570-992-9733 or
www.weposc.org.Lions meetThe Western Pocono Lions Club will meet at 6:30
p.m.Nov. 16, at Old Mill Pizza in Sciota.Lions 14-U district Governor Larry Williams will be the speaker.Members and friends are asked to bring a nonperishable food item to the meeting to be given to the PVEN food pantry. The club collects these items at every dinner meeting, but notes that with Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays coming up, these contributions are very important.Football boostersThe Football Booster Club meeting will be at 6:30
p.m.Nov. 16.Book Worms meetsWestern Pocono Community Library's Book Worms will meet at 7
p.m.Nov. 17, to discuss "The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger." Copies of the book are available at the library. Anyone are interested in more information about joining Book Worms or who would like to reserve a book, call the library at 570- 992-7934.WELL meetsThe West End Little League will meet at 7:30
p.m.Nov. 17 at the Chestnuthill Park Building in Brodheadsville. All coaches and managers are encouraged to attend.Medicare enrollmentKinsley's ShopRite Community Room will be open from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesdayfor limited appointments for those who would like to know more about Medicare plan comparisons. Call 570-420-3735 or 800-498-0330 to set up an appointment with someone from the APPRISE program. Plan comparisons will be done by appointment only. No walk-ins.Globe gamesWestern Pocono Community Library, Brodheadsville will be joining libraries around the globe playing games from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.,Nov. 19. International Games Day activities include board games, card games, thinking games, active games, Global Gossip Game, and many others. It should be fun for the entire family.Prizes will be awarded throughout the day. For more information call the library at 570-992-7934.ThanksgivingZion Lutheran is accepting donations of turkeys for the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network, which hopes to provide baskets for 400 families. The church is also accepting donations such as potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, sweet potatoes, cake mixes, icing and the like.Christmas photosSt. Matthew's CIA is hosting a Christmas photo fundraiser from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30
p.m.Nov. 27; from 6-8
p.m.Nov. 29; or from 3-6
p.m.Dec. 3.For costs and appointments, see Magen or Cheryl after church or call Magen at 610-381-2618Second SundaySalem St. Paul's Sunday school in Kresgeville will meet at 10:30 a.m. during the Sunday church service. It is time for the Second Sunday activity. Afterward there will be pizza and a movie. All ages are welcome.Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or
arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or