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Tuesday is deadline to register to vote

Eligible citizens have until Tuesday to apply for a new voter registration or make changes to their existing registration.

The state's online voter registration application can be found at

register.votesPA.com.In addition to applying for a new registration, the OVR system can also be used to make updates to an existing voter record, such as a change of name, address or party affiliation.New this year is 2Vote, a voter registration text messaging service.Simply text "PA" to "2Vote" (28683) on a smartphone. The user will receive a link that provides direct access to the online voter registration application. Also included are links to check voter registration status, locate your polling place and find contact information for county offices and the Department of State.Voters planning to vote by absentee ballot are advised to pay close attention to important deadlines. Although the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Tuesday, Nov. 1, the voted ballots must be received in the county election office by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4.Due to the 3-day time frame and cutbacks in service by the U.S. Postal Service, voters are strongly urged to mail their absentee ballot request no later than Oct. 21, two weeks before the voted ballot must be received by the county office.Voters may deliver their voted absentee ballots in person to county election offices or mail them if there is adequate time for delivery.A postmark is not sufficient for the ballot to be counted.Pennsylvania voters will elect the U.S. president and vice president, one U.S. senator and 18 U.S. House members, as well as the statewide offices of attorney general, auditor general and treasurer.Odd-numbered state Senate districts and all state House seats will also be on the ballot.Individuals wishing to register to vote in the Nov. 8 general election must be:• A citizen of the United States for at least one month before the election.• A resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which the individual desires to register and vote for at least 30 days before the election.• At least 18 years of age on or before the date of the election.For more information on voter registration, call the Department of State's toll-free hotline at 877-VOTESPA (877-868-3772) or visit VotesPA.com.