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Annual Shower of Roses festivities will be held Sunday in Nesquehoning

Roses from heaven will fall over the Shrine of St. Therese Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus, on Sunday during the 84th annual Shower of Roses.

The event is held at the former Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 15 E. Garibaldi Ave., in the New Columbus section of Nesquehoning.The festival restarted in 2012, four years after the Allentown Diocese closed Our Lady of Mount Carmel, folding it, along with Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception churches, into a new church, St. Francis of Assisi, which was closed this past July.The day starts at 11 a.m. with homemade food and entertainment available at the Madonna Hall behind the shrine.At 1 p.m. there will be a Mass in the shrine, celebrated by the Rev. Monsignor Francis P. Schoenauer, and the crowning of the Rose Queen.At 3 p.m., the devotees will process around the Little Flower development while reciting the rosary. A benediction will be held at 4 p.m., with the Shower of Roses taking place at 5 p.m., weather permitting.The Rose Queen will change into Carmelite habit during the benediction to represent St. Therese during the rose drop. She will be standing on the stairs of the shrine as the roses fall down over the attendees.The roses represent the belief that when someone’s prayer is answered by St. Therese, that person will smell the fragrance of roses, or find a rose in an unusual place. The belief is thought to have come from St. Therese’s promise to send a shower of roses to earth as proof of God’s existence. St. Therese was canonized in 1925.For more information on the Shower of Roses, call shrine director Sheree Strauss at 570-669-6075, or visit

www.shrineofsainttherese.com.During the remainder of the year, the shrine is open from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays for novena and benediction and at 9 a.m. on Saturdays for Mass.

More than 300 roses, dropped from a helicopter and symbolizing a fall from heaven, descend near the Shrine of St. Therese Lisieux in Nesquehoning on Sunday. Times News file photo