Summit Hill wants clothing bins removed
Large green and white bins placed throughout Carbon County by the firm USAgain for the collection of used clothing will no longer be permitted in Summit Hill.
On Monday, Summit Hill Borough Council voted unanimously to have the bins removed.Borough secretary Kira Steber said people are depositing trash at the bins. She said a TV set, a computer printer, and two children's play sets were seen at the bins in Summit Hill.Councilman William O'Gurek added that USAgain has not been emptying the bins, and as a result, they are overflowing with used clothing."I think it's becoming a major headache and making the town look awful," Steber said.The council gave permission for the bins to be placed on borough property on West Amidon Street across from the Municipal Building, in June 2014.USAgain, a for-profit corporation, says on its website it has bins in 16 states.Steber said not only are the bins not being emptied, but she has been unable to reach anyone from the firm about the problems.In other business• Summit Hill Postmaster La Neil Hinton asked that the council move a school bus stop that's across the street from the post office to another location.The council denied the request and asked Chief of Police Joseph Fittos to monitor the bus stop.She wrote to the council, "There have been numerous incidents reported; children running across the street unsupervised or playing in the street while customers are trying to conduct business. Furthermore, there have been unsafe practices, such as playing on the front rails in front of the building and vandalism."The Postal Service fears that one of these children will be seriously injured and business will suffer because of it," she wrote.The bus stop is in the 200 block of North Market Street.Fittos said parents are at the bus stop, but "the children do whatever they want to."He said he has seen children hang on tree branches and has had to tell both parents and students to remain off a wall they are prohibited from sitting on.In February 2013, three people were injured at the bus stop by an errant motorist.The bus stop was changed just around the corner to Hazard Street, but then an organization located at the corner complained about it. It was moved back to the original location."No matter where you put it, you'll probably get complaints," Fittos said.• The council said it received an inquiry from Nesquehoning Borough Council member Don DeMarco about the possibility of joining a shared services program used by three Panther Valley municipalities. Summit Hill, Lansford and Coaldale have an agreement to share services such as street sweeping and paving streets.Summit Hill tabled any action on the matter, suggesting that DeMarco attend a meeting of the Shared Services Committee.• Council members were invited to a grand reopening of the Summit Hill Heritage Center from 3 to 7
p.m.Oct. 8.• Anthony Campanell was hired as a part-time police officer.• The council accepted the resignation of Kyle Oliver as a part-time patrolman.• The resignation of Robert Watto from the borough's Planning Commission was accepted.• There were two vacancies on the Planning Commission. Named to fill them are William Mansberry Jr., whose term will expire in December 2017, and George Ruzicka, whose term will expire in December 2021.• Mayor Paul McArdle said trick-or-treat night will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31. The rain date is Nov. 1.