Published September 24. 2016 09:02AM
What are abuse-deterrent opioids?
Abuse-deterrent opioids are versions of opioid-based medications with certain safety mechanisms to prevent illicit use. This can include formulas that contain substances like naloxone, which is an abuse antagonist, that prevent the drug-induced euphoria that addicts seek. Some abuse-deterrent medicines will have coatings or chemicals that prevent crushing, or change the consistency of the pill when it is crushed or dissolved to make it more difficult to snort or inject.Are abuse-deterrent opioids more expensive?Yes, in general, abuse-deterrent opioids will cost about $600 to $2,800 more than their regular counterparts annually. Since these formulations are relatively new, drug manufacturers hold exclusive patent rights, therefore no generic equivalents are available yet.Are abuse-deterrent opioids actually effective?This is debatable. Some studies have shown a reduction in abuse when an abuse-deterrent version of a medication was introduced, such as with ER oxycodone HCl, which saw a reduction in diagnosed opioid abuse between 18 and 22.7 percent. However, many addicts still take large doses of opioids orally, and certain formulations of abuse-deterrent medications do nothing to address this particular use.Are abuse-deterrent opioids going to replace regular versions?No, abuse-deterrent opioids are simply an option that patients and doctors can explore for treatment. If a patient, or a patient’s family members, are prone to opioid abuse, these medications may be a better option than normal formulas.Sources: Econo Facts and Monthly Prescribing Reference. — Brian Myszkowski