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West Penn inks contract with union

West Penn Township voted 2-1 Tuesday to approve a pact between Teamsters Local 773 and the township. Supervisor Ted Bogosh was opposed.

The agreement is effective Jan. 1, 2016, through Dec. 31, 2018.Bogosh expressed concern that said pay raises aren't equally divided. "It's just not in the best interest of our township."Supervisor Tony Prudenti said by negotiating, the township is going to save $15,000 per year over each of the next three years.Prudenti questioned why Bogosh was voicing his concerns right as the contract was up for a vote, saying he had other opportunities to do so."It's always the eleventh hour with him," Prudenti said.Prudenti also discussed the possibility of adding a grant writer to the township.The board agreed to meet with the candidate at 9 a.m. Sept. 26.Supervisors will host a workshop session at 7 p.m. Sept. 29 on road posting/bonding and property maintenance code.