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Cops: Man jailed for cutting sappy tree that hit apartments

PITTSTON, Pa. (AP) — Police say a Pennsylvania man angered over tree sap he thought was ruining his car has been jailed for the unkindest cut of all: Chopping down the tree, which crashed onto his own apartment building.

Fifty-one-year-old Raymond Mazzarella has been in the Luzerne County jail on aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and other charges since he was charged Monday in the incident Saturday in Pittston Township.The tree was in his neighbor's yard, but authorities say its branches hung over Mazzarella's parking place.Township code officer Terry Best tells WNEP-TV Mazzarella took matters into his own hands. But the tree smashed into Mazzarella's apartment house, damaging it so badly it has been condemned. Five others are now homeless.Mazzarella doesn't have an attorney and faces a preliminary hearing Aug. 31.