Published August 06. 2016 09:01AM
Nine high ranking U.S. officials including our CIA and FBI directors all warned that ISIS can and will infiltrate the refugee population to carry out terrorism in the U.S.
Over 400 Islamic State trained fighters have been sent into Europe with the refugee wave. Six terror attacks by refugees have occurred in Germany alone and German women are getting raped by immigrants at an alarming rate.Recently, more than 500 IS militants fleeing Fallujah left behind homes containing floors filled with freshly shaven beards to blend into the civilian population.The next wave of Syrian refugees, numbered up to 11,000 are slated to arrive in the US this fall. These refugees have no identification papers.If elected, Mrs. Clinton plans to increase the refugee population by 550 percent with absolutely no regard for the safety and security of the American people. Mrs. Clinton's refugee proposal could potentially cost taxpayers $403 billion in lifetime costs.This election is not about partisan politics. This election is about the kind of world we want to live in. We cannot elect a president who refuses to put America and its people first.Wanda DietzFranklin Township