Published July 27. 2016 05:09PM
Donald Trump, visiting Northeast Pennsylvania on Wednesday, promised to return coal jobs to the state, make countries pay their fair share in defense and trade deals, and lambasted the media for their potrayal of him.
Local officials could be seen on the stage and in the crowd, with Congressman Lou Barletta speaking before Trump's arrival.
The republican presidential nominee appeared at Lackawanna College in Scranton on Wednesday,joined by his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence. He acknowledged he was breaking protocol by campaigning during the democrats' convention, but said that the only people criticizing him were the ones who doubted his primary campaign.
Some of Trump's most prominent local supporters warmed up the crowd. Congressmen Lou Barletta and Tom Marino, calling themselves the campaign's "Thunder and Lightning," and Pa. GOP chair Rob Gleason were all effusive in their praise of Trump. Local officials in the crowd for the event included Carbon County Commissioner Tom Gerhard and Schuylkill County Commissioner George Halcovage.
Trump delved into his trade policy. He called himself a 'free trader,' but said that he would renegotiate trade deals to help bring back American jobs.
But crowds were most excited to see Trump criticize his democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
"I want to see a woman becoming president, but it can't be her because she's a disaster. She'll set you back a long way women if that happens. You better be careful what you wish for," he said.
For a full story, check out Thursday's Times News.