Alley paving project in Lehighton is underway
The Borough of Lehighton will begin its alley paving project this week.
The first of three to be paved will be Center Alley starting at Iron Street and ending at Keystone Alley. Wednesday through Friday, residents will not be able to use the area for parking. Center, King and Birch alleys made the list for repairs.During Monday night's council meeting, borough manager Nicole Beckett informed the board that the cost was adjusted from the original price of $10,000 up to $15,000 because of the amount of blacktop needed for the project.Beckett told the board she could look into the budget to find the additional amount or King Alley could be taken off the repair list."We've been talking about alleys for 10 years and haven't done anything about it," said Vice President Scott Rehrig.The board voted for Beckett to re-examine the budget to find the funds.Council agreed to lend Mahoning Township a road paver and an operator for street repairs in the township during the upcoming weeks."Our paver died on us," said Bruce Steigerwalt, Lehighton borough engineer and Mahoning Township supervisor."We can provide the paver and two men for five days," Beckett said."They helped us last year. We've had a great relationship with them," Beckett said.Steigerwalt said the township's plan is to pave two roads closest to Lehighton with the borrowed equipment."The amount of blacktop we want to lay is normally done in a day's time," he said.The board agreed to lend the manpower and paver to the township.Mahoning Township made an additional appearance on the meeting's agenda.Lehighton Police Chief Brian Biechy spoke to the board about scheduling a meeting with Mahoning and Franklin townships' police departments to discuss an intermunicipality partnership."I'm just waiting to hear back from Mahoning for a meeting date," he said."I don't see any harm talking to them. But it will be a special meeting and be open to the public," Rehrig said."We already go there a few times a year," Councilman Joe Flickinger said."It's an interesting proposition," the chief said.Biechy said the meeting will most likely be organized for August.Newly opened restaurant Bonnie and Clyde's on First Street had its opening day on Friday. Owner Penny Zimmerman asked the board if the borough parking lot located behind the property could be used by customers of the establishment."We are here to ask for the borough parking around back. We will install video cameras," she said."We appreciate the town and want to beautify the area. We'd like to put on a deck in the back. We're just looking to make First Street better," Zimmerman said."I'm not sure of the condition of the parking lot and who maintains it," borough solicitor James Nanovic said."It's been a parking lot for years. It's behind Moser's property," Nanovic said.Rehrig suggested a borough maintenance crew member check on the state of the parking lot."It's already public parking," Beckett said."That was the intention of the lot, for residents to use it," Nanovic said.