Published July 21. 2016 04:01PM
Blood drive results
Miller-Keystone's Palmerton community blood drive on Mondaydrew 59 registrants and yielded 49 units of blood.An unusually high number of deferrals, and the availability of only one of the two planned Trima machines reduced the number of units collected. This drive was sponsored by Horsehead Community Development Fund.The following donors reached gallon levels: Dale Smith, 10 gallons; Paul Steinmetz, 6 gallons; Joseph Pavlik, 1 gallon. There were three first-time donors.Each drive requires the participation of many people, most of them "behind the scenes." This drive included Pam Andreas, George Ashman, Mary Beth Beers, Romaine Biege, Harry Brown, Marion Carty, Jane Cervenak, "Honey" Cyr, Arlene Dembrosky, Norman Eckhart, Thomasine Falcone, Linda Finley, Shirley Greene, Jean Halmi, Beverly Hargreaves, William Hayes, Nancy Kresge, Paula Lendvay, Helen Nonnemaker, Darlene and Dick Nothstein, Susan Olivia, Evelyn Plechavy, Marge Porambo, Gwen Rodrigues, Terri Sebelin, Susan Steigerwalt, Dorothy Strohl, Mary Taschler and Brenda Wentz.The next Miller Palmerton community blood drive will be Sept. 13.Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-826-4913 or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or